Where is My D&I Lens?


Where is My D&I Lens?

Diversity and Inclusion have come far in 60 years, but are we there yet? Some think so, others think not, yet is there an unintentionally bias in our actions? Do we feel a bias in the actions of others? Do you witness bias in the workplace, on the streets, in the courts, or talking to strangers? Is the bias unintentional or intentional? Some embrace the need for growth, others don’t see any need for it. This is not a new issue, it has always existed yet occasionally very blatant actions surface in the public eye that cannot be overlooked and generate a public cry for action.
Why haven’t the laws we’ve passed solved the problems?  Laws can be subjective based on the situation which is always subjective. If we just had a D&I Lens we could look through to see when we, or others, are reflecting in a biased manner, wouldn’t life be easier? Or would it? So often in the Social Services environment these issues impact our clients. They impact our agencies, our staff, our peers, ourselves and the way we manage. No one is untouched by this. However being aware of it makes an individual more conscience, compassionate, and understanding and moves the arrow closer towards the unbiased society we hope to be one day.
Zenell Brown – Executive Court Administrator of the Third Circuit Court of Michigan
Joyce James,LMSW-AP – President/CEO Joyce James Consulting, Racial Equity Consultant
Richard Lynch – General Counsel for the Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan
Registration for this event is closed. Members can access the NCSEA Web Talk Library for the recording.