UIFSA 201: Going Beyond the Basics










What are some of the most difficult topics when working intergovernmental cases?  Contacting other jurisdictions?  Change of Payee?  Modifications?  Case closure?  Payment forwarding scenarios?  This webinar continues from where we left off in 2020 with UIFSA 101 with the same popular format—scenarios being presented and the audience voting on the correct answer.  Our panel then will walk through the answers to show how to handle these challenging issues, both in the child support office and in the courtroom.  If you thought “UIFSA 101” was interesting, then test your more intermediate intergovernmental knowledge to see how you stack up!

Watch UFISA 101 in the NCSEA Web Talk Library by logging into your NCSEA Account.

Diane Potts – SLI Government Solutions
Rob Velcoff – Intergovernmental Support Services

Pat Quinn – Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas

Registration for this event is closed. Members can access the NCSEA Web Talk Library for the recording.