At the April meeting of the NCSEA Board of Directors, the Board provisionally adopted a commitment to centering diversity, equity, and inclusion in the work of our association.
NCSEA Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Statement
NCSEA is committed to educating and building a community that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our commitment extends to both the people who work in child support programs and the families served by those programs. We will work towards diverse representation of our full membership in leadership positions. We will center discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in our conferences, in addressing laws and regulations affecting child support, and in our communications with our members and the larger public. We value the experiences of the parents and families we serve and will listen to and learn from them. To achieve our shared goal of providing person-centered child support services, we will address inequities, especially related to race, that drive many disparate outcomes and experiences.