
Individual Membership

Get Connected to the Community!

Join the community of child support professionals across the country and around the world that share common issues and concerns. If you care about the financial and emotional well-being of children and families, we want to know you. NCSEA values its members.

Stay Up-To-Date

Stay up-to-date on the latest developments and best practices in child support through our quarterly e-newsletter, Child Support CommuniQue. Columns from the President and Executive Director of NCSEA as well as informative, relevant articles keep child support professionals on the cutting edge. Learn about proven techniques from around the country. Get a synopsis of what’s happening on Capitol Hill.  Available online to members only!

We are Your Resource

We are your resource for analysis of child support issues. Track Congressional child support legislation and link to full bill text. Investigate NCSEA’s Job Board-our national online database of child support employment opportunities.

Help Shape the Issues

Help shape the issues from your state to Capitol Hill. No one knows what child support needs better than those who work the cases every day. As a member, exercise your right to vote on By-laws amendments and new Board members. We understand that you are burdened by an overwhelming caseload and ever-changing federal requirements. As your voice on Capitol Hill, we advocate for better child support policy and better conditions for child support professionals. We know firsthand the passion and dedication of those who undertake the demanding work of child support enforcement. Just as you work on behalf of families, we strive to take care of our own child support “family.” Our Board of Directors represents you and makes sure your voice is heard when formulating policy recommendations. Individual members may also participate on NCSEA committees, subcommittees and workgroups. These committees work to make improvements to member benefits, organize training events, draft policy resolutions, and more.

Valuable Discounts

Receive valuable discounts on the NCSEA Leadership Symposium and Policy Forum Conference.

Enhance Your Professional Development

Enhance your professional development through continuing education and networking. Attend one of NCSEA’s nationally recognized training events. Access NCSEA Web-Talks, now FREE to members live, or through the NCSEA Web-Talk Library. Using some innovative enforcement techniques?  Have knowledge to share? Consider joining our Speakers Bureau or writing an article for Child Support CommuniQue.

Join Today!

To become an Individual Member — 

  1. Download an NCSEA Membership application here 

or process your membership on-line…

  1. Log into, or create a profile, starting on ncsea.org, Member Log in
  2. Select Membership Type (Individual)
  3. Add to Cart
  4. Review Cart and Check out.