
Child Support Chat

This event was held on January 24, 2019

The National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) hosted an insightful conversation with Scott Lekan, Commissioner of the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), about the child support program and its critical role in helping children and families. Joined by NCSEA President Craig Burshem, the two disscused relevant, timely topics of importance to the child support program, including modern welfare reform, technology, caseload management, and customer engagement. The live-streaming event allowed questions from the NCSEA audience with real-time participation from around the country. It’s was a great opportunity for child support professionals to hear first-hand from the Commissioner about the program and plans for 2019 and beyond.




Scott Lekan
Commissioner, Office of Child Support Enforcement

Craig Burshem
NCSEA President & IV-D Director, Virginia Department of Child Support Enforcement