ERICSA, NCCSD, NCSEA, NTCSA, and WICSEC invite you to be part of a three-part discussion on “Child Support: The New Normal”
Tuesday, September 22nd
9:00 a.m PST, 10:00 a.m. MST, 11:00 a.m. CST, 12:00 p.m. EST
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The child support program has changed rapidly in the last few months. Join us for a webinar that will dive into the child support legal landscape.
Lawyers love brick courthouses, legal pads, thick files, statute books, and in-person hearings. In many places, the child support agency files the most actions, so child support lawyers experience these things regularly. In 2020, all this changed. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced the legal profession to quickly rethink longstanding requirements and implement practices and procedures so that work could safely continue. This panel will explore how child support offices in Indiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas adapted to the current environment and what the legal piece of child support may look like going forward.