Elise Topliss
Deputy Division Director
Denver County Child Support Services
Elise Topliss has been a leader in the Child Support program for 11 years. During her time in child support, at the local and state level, she established orders for families, led an accounting team, served as the State of Colorado Policy and Performance Unit Manager, and currently serves as the Deputy Division Director for Denver County Child Support. Elise is committed to ensuring families have economic stability to improve their quality of life – a commitment supported through the work of Child Support Services.
In addition to her passion for child support, Elise strongly advocates for children and public-school educators. Her focus has been equal access to quality education for underserved youth and mental health and wellness. Elise has served on a school board for five years and currently serves as the School Board President. Elise inspired the creation of a music program, implemented standing teacher mental health and wellness days, and consistently advocated and successfully achieved an increase in teacher wages.