Planning a visit with members of Congress as part of your 2019 NCSEA Policy Forum? Do you promote the child support program to state and local legislators? NCSEA’s Hill Tips Web-Talk will prepare you to share information about and advocate for the child support program. Get an update on possible federal action on welfare reform and changes to entitlement programs that may impact the program, learn about NCSEA’s 2018 legislative activity and 2019 priorities. Receive tips from members of NCSEA’s Policy & Government Relations (PGR) Committee on how to effectively communicate child support program successes and priorities to legislators. Let us help you be an effective voice for the child support program!
Kate Cooper Richardson – IV-D Director, Oregon Child Support Program
Tom Joseph – NCSEA Legislative Representative, Paragon Government RelationsLisa Skenandore – Vice-President Business Development, Systems & Methods, Inc.
Registration for this event is closed. Members can access the NCSEA Web Talk Library for the recording.